Why is Signing so powerful?
Most people make use of their hands when they communicate - signing makes use of this natural desire.
There are three main signing systems in the UK, British Sign Language (BSL), Signalong and Makaton.
What is BSL?
British Sign Language (BSL) is a language in its own right - it has it’s own grammatical structure and rules. It is the preferred language for over 25,000 Deaf people in the UK*. The total number of people who use BSL across the UK is estimated to be around 151,000 and of these, 87,000 are Deaf*.
BSL is a visual language; it uses facial expression, body movements, gestures as well as signs to convey meaning. The Deaf community value BSL as part of their rich culture. BSL enables users to share thoughts, feelings and emotions that are often difficult to convey using spoken language alone.
What about Signalong and Makaton?
Signalong and Makaton are both signing systems that offer a method of supporting spoken language through sign. In both approaches, users share their message using spoken English and signs at the same time, often signing the most important or ‘key’ ideas in a sentence.
Both Signalong and Makaton can be used by adults and children with communication and learning difficulties. The signs offer an extra piece of visual information to help adults and children to understand a message. Being able to use signs provides people with an extra tool to share their own message too.
Why is signing so helpful?
Signing is such an important tool to support communication. Here are just some of the benefits of using sign;
Children are often visual learners – signing supports this visual strength.
Speech comes and goes and it cannot be seen – whereas signing can be seen.
Signs help us to see who is talking, so we know who to focus on.
Signing encourages us to slow down, which gives children more time to understand what is being said.
Signing provides babies, children and adults with another way of communicating their message.
When we have an effective way to communicate our message it helps us to…
Share our needs, wants, feelings and ideas
Make choices, so that we feel a sense of control
Develop friendships
Develop our confidence and self esteem.
“Signing is something that we can do as a society to make the world a more inclusive place”.
Written by Suzanne Butler, Specialist Speech and Language Therapist and Signalong Tutor.
* Census Data 2021 - https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/culturalidentity/language/bulletins/languageenglandandwales/census2021